Been there, done that
Installation and Painting
Photos: Johannes Ocker
Been there, done that
The installation part of the work Been there, done that features a conventional robot hoover that has been given a human-like skin with the help of silicone. It moves on a white- grey carpet measuring approximately 2 × 3 metres and is prevented from leaving the field by four black wooden strips. In the cloak of a human body, the robot‘s efforts to leave its fenced-in space of movement are humanised. The two paintings that form the robot‘s horizon show mountain ranges dotted with summit crosses as signs of successful ascents. They suggest that humans have been there and have „taken over“ the natural space through their legacy, the „cross“. The robot is thus embedded in a staged scene that can almost be un- derstood as a stage set and which, through the programmed sequence of movements, turns the machine‘s toil into an industrial actor that acts completely detached from human influence.